August 26 to September 1, 2012

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Monday, 27 August. Rushing Waters Fishery. Palmyra, WI

At the Rushing Waters Fishery we learned about all the stages of raising rainbow trout and what is involved in this process.  We started this tour by looking at one of their outdoor trout ponds and talking about how big the trout have to be on average before they are collected, cleaned and sold.  Some of their ponds are covered with shade cloth to keep the water cooler and minimize stress on the fish.  They feed a high protein pellet to the fish to maximize growth to their full potential. They bring in fertilized eggs 4 times a year and raise them in concrete tanks inside their hatchery.  When the trout first hatch, they will live on their yoke sack for the first 3 weeks then they are started on a small palatable pellet.  It was at this point where he described how they move the fish and clean the ponds as well as how the water is brought into the ponds and hatcheries. Nearing the end of the tour he showed is the smoke house where they smoke trout as well as salmon that is bought in. We ended the tour up at the shop where we saw the equipment that they use to clean the fish and small facts on when this business started.  Rushing Waters Fisheries also allows the public to fish from one of their ponds;  if you want they would clean your catch for a small fee. 

 by Kayla Vanden Braak                                                    

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